The Rod Martin Report: July 4, 2015
You can read about the world anywhere. You read The Rod Martin Report to understand it.
by Rod D. Martin
July 4, 2015
Dear Friend,
Happy Fourth of July!
American independence has been one of the greatest blessings in the history of the world, not only to the people of this country, but to all people everywhere. It is America that began to end the long night of monarchism, America that spread the idea of liberty to every part of the world, America that saved that world from the twin nightmares of Naziism and Communism, America that pushed imperialism over the edge, America that insisted upon the dignity and worth of all women and men.
It is a great blessing to be a part of her. It is an honor to celebrate her. It is our duty to preserve and improve her.
First, please take a minute to read the ever-brilliant Randy Barnett's "What the Declaration of Independence Really Claimed". In fact, gather your children around and read it to all of them too. Hardly anyone understands this stuff anymore. They need to.
(Incidentally, I do quibble with Barnett's use of "inalienable" and "unalienable" interchangeably. "Unalienable" is stronger, "inalienable" weaker. But since he does get the meaning of "unalienable" correct, and since most people just think the Founders couldn't spell, it's a small point. I'll write an essay on the difference sometime.)
If you're up for it after reading Barnett, read the actual Declaration of Independence too. It's worth your time, and not at all as most people think.
If your kids go to a public school or college, they'll probably need this one: "Five Myths About the Founding Fathers", by former Speaker of the House (and history professor) Newt Gingrich. Sadly, if they go to a Christian school or college, they may need this one: "Was the American Revolution Sinful?" which I wrote for World Magazine last year. (It's good for you agnostic folks too.)
For this Fourth of July, I wrote a rather different piece: "Why Did the Founders Adopt the Second Amendment?" You may find it eye-opening (you may also find the quotes very useful).
I very much hope you will take a look at this one: "General Joseph Martin". One of our Founding Fathers, Martin was a Revolutionary War general, one of the most important pioneers during the early years of settlement beyond the Appalachians, and an important figure in the ratification of the Constitution. He was also my fifth great grandfather. Mel Gibson's Benjamin Martin character in The Patriot (a great movie if you haven't seen it) is a loose amalgam of Martin and his close friend Col. Benjamin Cleaveland, hero of King's Mountain. So when you watch, you can think of my great great great great great grandpappy.
Finally, I'd like to share with you my recent op-ed on "The Cautionary Tale of Zheng He". It's short, and the topic certainly deserves more attention. But since we're celebrating the Fourth of July, it seemed appropriate to give thought to this, China's half-millennium mistake: how it almost came to dominate the world a generation before Columbus, how it is still suffering from one short-sighted decision, and how America might repeat that history and thus surrender the future.
Happy Independence Day to all of you. I have much more to say, about recent Supreme Court rulings, technological breakthroughs, and even a couple of speeches I'd like you to see. But for today, let's enjoy America, give thanks for those who've paid the ultimate price for our liberty and prosperity, and consider how we may indeed ensure that freedom does not perish from the Earth.
You can read about the world anywhere. You read The Rod Martin Report to understand it. Do your friends a favor and pass it along; and remember, there’s a lot more we publish each week that doesn’t make the newsletter.
For Freedom,
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