The Rod Martin Report: July 19, 2014
You can read about the world anywhere. You read The Rod Martin Report to understand it.
by Rod D. Martin
July 19, 2014
Dear Friend,
It’s been one of those weeks.
Vladimir Putin showed his fascist colors again with the downing of a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine. Note well that that was one of three planes shot down by Putin’s thugs this week, the others being a Ukrainian military cargo plane and a Ukrainian fighter jet…all in Ukrainian airspace. Recordings have surfaced of pro-Russian separatists talking with a colonel in Russian intelligence about their having shot the plane down. World reaction has been swift and harsh: the Putin bubble has popped.
The Obama bubble is also popping. At record low approval ratings, he’s become a pariah amongst his own, as John Fund describes over at National Review. Hillary isn’t doing much better, and is suddenly facing serious competition from Elizabeth Warren (aka Faux-cahontas) and even Governor Moonbeam. Which gives Republicans a tremendous opportunity, if they don’t blow it (yet again).
Israel, fed up with having thousands of rockets fired at its homes and schools, finally launched a long-overdue ground assault against the terrorist base otherwise known as Gaza. Leftists, who never seem to tire of pining for the good old days of Auschwitz, lamented. Charles Krauthammer refuted their bizarre logic with his “Moral Clarity in Gaza,” which should be required reading for everyone. Meanwhile, Bibi Netanyahu proves yet again that when he gets finished with Israel he should come be our President.
Our own illustrious President continued to use a manufactured humanitarian crisis on the Mexican border to break some laws, twist others, and generally pursue his plan to move as many illegal future Democrat voters into states across the continent as he can. My good friend Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd has announced an effort to address the humanitarian part of that, and will be down at the border this week. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is second only to the Red Cross in the size of its operations — help — to hurricane, flood, tornado and other victims. There’s no reason why we can’t help struggling people in Obama’s manmade disaster too.
Finally, I just wanted to mention that our baby, Haley Martin, launched a new career earlier this year as a jewelry designer, and a new business around that called H.M. Willow. She is already having so much success that she’s having to add staff. You should check her out — everyone else is — and we are very, very proud.
You can read about the world anywhere. You read The Rod Martin Report to understand it. Do your friends a favor and pass it along; and remember, there’s a lot more we publish each week that doesn’t make the newsletter.
For Freedom,
P.S. In case you still haven’t seen it: go see Dinesh D’Souza’s America. And please take every teenager or college student you know: they need it.
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