The Iraq Parliament Attack: Al-Qaeda Sends a Message
After all we heard from Democrats in 2004 and 2005 about our needing "a new strategy", you'd think they'd want to see this new strategy through. Especially since it's working.
by Rod D. Martin
April 12, 2007
And contrary to the title (which we borrowed from Time Magazine), the message is not that we should surrender, as the Pelosi gang in Congress demands.
In the words of the Time story,
Within an hour of the explosion, a message from the al-Qaeda-controlled Islamic State in Iraq was posted on a prominent militant website,, calling the blast a "message" to anyone who cooperates with "the occupier and its agents." It said ominously, "We will reach you wherever you are".
Indeed they will, should we be so foolish as to surrender Iraq to them. Deadline-setting and withdrawel will embolden our enemies a thousand-fold. The only answer to this problem is victory, a victory which will require killing them.
But not all of them. As Time went on to report:
The extremists want to stop efforts of reconciliation between the Iraqi government and an Iraqi-led, nationalist faction of the insurgency that has turned on al-Qaeda in recent weeks.
Which is another way of saying, the Surge is working. And it is, big time. But it needs time to work, and given that all we heard from Democrats in 2004 and 2005 was that we needed "a new strategy", you'd think they'd want to see this new strategy through.
They should. As the story states, al Qaeda spends much of its time targeting Iraqi civilians and brutally enforcing Sharia law. This is among people whose hearts and minds it supposedly wants to win. What will it unleash there -- and here -- once Pelosi's surrender bill takes effect?
We must resist, both her and them.