NFRA President Calls On RNC to Fire Steele
"I can think of a hundred reasons why African Americans should vote Republican, so why can't our African American national chairman?" Martin asked.
April 22, 2010
DESTIN, FLORIDA -- Today, National Federation of Republican Assemblies President Rod D. Martin called on the Republican National Committee to immediately fire Republican National Chairman Michael Steele for comments he made Tuesday night to a student group in which he stated that African Americans "don't have a reason" to vote for Republicans.
The story concerning Steele's remarks appeared in The Politico, and is available online at
"I can think of a hundred reasons why African Americans should vote Republican, so why can't our African American national chairman?" Martin asked. "Most African Americans are pro-life: so are we. Most African Americans believe in traditional values: so do we. Most African Americans are in favor of school choice for their children: so are we.
"In fact," Martin continued, "there's hardly any issue on which Democrats serve the interests of African Americans. We stand for cutting their taxes, improving their health care, expanding opportunities for their small businesses and robustly defending their --our -- nation from foreign threats. The left's appeal has always been 'you are a minority, you are a victim, we will defend you from white America.' It's racist, it deliberately reopens half-century-old wounds which were inflicted by Democrats in the first place, and it has to stop."
The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, styled "the Republican Wing of the Republican Party", is a 75-year old grassroots organization which seeks to elect real conservatives to lead the Republican Party. Said Martin, "Steele is no conservative, and if he believes what he said, not only does he have to go, but he was dishonest in taking the position he holds, and any RNC member who acts to continue his chairmanship must be challenged for re-election as well.
"We must repudiate the politics of victimization, race and bribes to groups. Michael Steele sees blacks and whites. We see and seek to serve Americans: all Americans. That is the chief difference between the two parties, and if Michael Steele can't see and articulate a vision that simple and that inclusive, he is unfit to lead our party or anything else. He needs to go, now."
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