It Ain't Over Till It's Over (And That's a Looonnngggg Way Off)
Perhaps Giuliani isn't so "inevitable" after all.
by Rod D. Martin
March 21, 2007
Fred Thompson surprises everyone, from Bob Novak's column today to the folks at the American Spectator (worth reading). In Novak's words, "Hints of a possible presidential run by former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) have generated a surprisingly strong and wide reaction -- indicating Republican dissatisfaction with the present field. The question is whether Thompson will work hard enough to be a serious candidate."
And that is the question. Or one of them, anyway. The other one is whether someone else will emerge who provokes a similar reaction (after all, who was thinking Fred Thompson two months ago).
But this much is certain: the race is beginning, not over. Even the front-loaded primary doesn't change that (for reasons not addressed in the Weyrich piece I blogged earlier today, and which I'm not ready to talk about publicly either).
If Giuliani figures that out, he may well have a Damascus/Des Moines Road experience on abortion. And maybe he'll mean it. But if he doesn't, that other stuff Weyrich wrote today is likely to be his (and maybe everyone's) undoing.