Anthony Bradley's Racist Tweet
When will evangelical leaders condemn the blatant racism of their friends?
by Rod D. Martin
December 26, 2017
Just before Christmas, Dr. Anthony Bradley, a big muckety-muck in certain quarters of Evangelicaldom, tweeted this:
This is just racism, nothing else but. It's hate. It's ugly. It's divisive. And it's grossly unbiblical, an assault against the God who made all men and women equal, for Whom "there is no Jew or Greek" but only one Body of Christ, adopted as sons and daughters and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
So who is Anthony Bradley? He's a professor at The King's College in New York, a research fellow at the Acton Institute, a former professor at Covenant Theological Seminary, a former head of the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute, and a favorite of The Gospel Coalition.
So I ask you: why aren't any of our conservative leaders -- such as those fine folks at The Gospel Coalition -- as interested in condemning the blatant racist hate and separatism of their friends -- such as Anthony Bradley and Lecrae -- as they (rightly) would be if some white preacher wrote something equally evil, that black churches have "never had the Gospel"?
As I have said again and again, you can't end racism against one group until you deal honestly with all racism by all groups. All racism is antithetical to the Gospel.
And pretending it isn't discredits the "leaders" doing the pretending.
-- This is Just Racism originally appeared as a Facebook post by Rod D. Martin.